Investing Strategies for freedome

Hello and Welcome Today i would like to talk about investing in the crypto space. This is only my own opinion. First i have to point out that my view on the space is that we need to start adopting a DiTFi Mindset! It is ...

5 years ago, comments: 1, votes: 5, reward: $0.04

Hello and Welcome

Today i would like to talk about investing in the crypto space. This is only my own opinion.

First i have to point out that my view on the space is that we need to start adopting a DiTFi Mindset!

It is crucial that people start to manage there on there own money. We have to take back power that has been taken from us over time! If we embrace the idea of decetralized Blockchains and trustless Services we can get some of or financial power and freedome back! This is what i mean with DecetralizedTrustlessFinance Mindset.

It is your money - Take care of it!

So at the moment DeFi and CFi are having a new adoption phase.
Big institutions are buying Bitcoin. Crypto Services are taken over by Big Banks like Goldman Sachs and we start to get regulations for crypto, maybe the only thing that really is important for mass adoption.

At this stage we have to be very careful that we do not give up the power that has been given to us!
If the ones who have a say in this new ecosystem are the ones that have the say about our money today; We have not gaind anything but a system that is even more controlled then what we have today and it spans the whole planet.

So what can we do to leverage our power as people?

  1. Use solutions that are FOSS if possible - OpenSource is a key factor for your freedome!
  2. Dose the Token, Coin, System or Blockchain have a real usecase.
  3. Make sure you are using a true trustless system.
  4. Check if it is really decetralized.
  5. Think about gains only mid and longterm.
  6. Try to get payed in Crypto.
  7. Don't just jump on the next hype Train for some Token that is probaly useless!
  8. Do not Daytrade - It is gambling! If you want to gamble to so but only use what you can loose.
  9. Last and most important point - Always hold your own keys

Like i said at the beginning - My opinion.

Please commet below and tell me what you think is important that we keep the power of the people with the people.